Thank you!

ancient building near trees

We cannot thank you enough! We’re still receiving wonderful notes and generous checks. Thanks to your gifts last month, we exceeded our goal of raising $15,000 to match the year-end donations of the Meah Family Foundation and ARC of Justice. Your support puts us in a good position for 2022. Let’s continue together to turn up the … Read more

Can you join us in NYC on World Genocide Day?

World Genocide Day

Thursday, December 9, 2021, is World Genocide Day. Friday, December 10, 2021, is World Human rights Day. On Thursday, we plan to march from the US Mission to the UN to the Harry Winston New York City headquarters where we will give them our petitions demanding they stop funding the Myanmar military. On World Human Rights … Read more

Actions for the #BurmaBill, against MOGE, Harry Winston and more

MOGE must be stopped

Margaret Mead once said, â€œNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, organized citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” You are proving that right every day. The #BurmaBill is a reality. Now we need to keep up the pressure and get companies like Chevron (MOGE) and Harry Winston … Read more

We can all stop genocide

Stop Chevron from funding genocide

Some good news for the Uyghurs but more needs to be done First some good news. The U.S. Senate unanimously passed the “Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.” The legislation now moves to the House of Representatives. Would you contact your Member of Congress and let them know you want them to co-sponsor it there? Please … Read more

You did it! Chevron and Total cut some payments to the Myanmar Military

Stop Chevron from funding genocide

This is a good first step for Chevron and Total but we need to keep the pressure on them to do more. This week, Chevron and Total held their annual shareholder meetings in the midst of a barrage of pressure over their payments to the Myanmar military. Many of you joined protests outside Chevron’s offices … Read more


Pau; Rusesagabina

A Night of Comedy to Help Paul Rusesabagina Join us for a night of comedy to help Paul Rusesabagina. All proceeds will go towards his legal defense fund. Paul was kidnapped and taken to Rwanda where he was arrested and has been in solitary confinement ever since. He was played by Don Cheadle in “Hotel … Read more

Tell Chevron to Stop Paying the Myanmar Military on April 16

April 16, Global day of action against Chevron 1. San Francisco Bay Area, CaliforniaProtest At the Chevron HeadquartersFriday, April 16, 11 am to 2 pmChevron, 6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd. San Ramon CA 2. Washington DCChevron Lobbying Office at 3 pm600 13th ST NW, Suite 600District of Columbia 3. Denver, ColoradoProtest on 11th, but a letter … Read more

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