Happy Tick Tock Day

help us end genocide

Today is the official day to finish off tasks for 2021! December 29 is National Tick Tock Day. Tick Tock Day, observed annually on December 29th, reminds us to complete any unfinished business that might need addressing before the end of the year.As the end of the year approaches, many items call for our attention. … Read more

You did it! Harry Winston stops selling #GenocideGems

Harry Winston

Under pressure, Harry Winston stops buying gems from Myanmar  No Business with Genocide applauds the announcement today by luxury jeweler Harry Winston that it will stop buying gems that originate from Myanmar (Burma).  In a post to its social media, Harry Winston (owned by Swatch) announced today that it “will no longer source gemstones from … Read more

Congress needs to follow through for Burma

Congress needs to cut off money to the junta

Here’s a quick update on what’s happening in Congress this week. In the Senate, a bipartisan group of senators are attaching an amendment to the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The amendment would require the Biden Administration to report to Congress on its efforts to support the democracy movement in Myanmar. On the House … Read more

Burma is burning

burma is burning

The Myanmar military is building up troops and equipment in Chin State and neighboring areas in North-Western Burma. This past week, the Myanmar military has burned down homes and churches in the Chin town of Thantlang. We are concerned that the military is on the verge of a large-scale offensive against civilians, using tactics ominously reminiscent … Read more

Actions for the #BurmaBill, against MOGE, Harry Winston and more

MOGE must be stopped

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, organized citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” You are proving that right every day. The #BurmaBill is a reality. Now we need to keep up the pressure and get companies like Chevron (MOGE) and Harry Winston … Read more

The EU speaks out for Rusesabagina and the U.S. State Department receives our petitions


The European Union finally speaks up for Paul Last week a few important things happened in Paul Rusesabagina’s case. The first is the European Union (EU) passed a non-binding resolution condemning his arrest, trial, verdict, and sentence: In a nonbinding resolution adopted by a 660-2, with 18 abstentions, the European Parliament said it “strongly condemns” the conviction, … Read more

The world responds to the Rusesabagina verdict and sentence

the verdict is in

While the verdict and sentence surprised no one, they still shocked the world. If a permanent U.S. resident and Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipient is not safe from Paul Kagame, who is? Statements:  The U.S. State Department: Paul Rusesabagina Case OutcomeBelgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Belgium considers that Mr. Rusesabagina did not receive a fair … Read more

Breaking: Paul Rusesabagina sentenced and a Uyghur update

Hotel Rwanda hero, Paul Rusesabagina

We knew it would happen and now it has. On Monday, a Rwandan court found Paul Rusesabagina guilty and sentenced him to 25 years in prison. Rusesabagina is not a terrorist, he is a political prisoner. The American Bar Association and the Clooney Foundation has detailed the unfairness of Paul’s trial and called into question … Read more

Summer may be ending but we still have work to do to end genocide

As the summer comes to a close, here are the actions we are taking to help end genocide and other crimes against humanity. Speak out for Paul Rusesabagina The Rwandan government has postponed from the summer until September 20, 2021, the announcement of the verdict in the sham trial of Paul Rusesabagina.  If Paul is … Read more

Want to end genocide? Here are some things you can do now.

Tell U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to recognize the genocide against the Rohingya: August 25, 2021 marked the four-year anniversary of the genocide against the Rohingya. The Myanmar military forced nearly 800,000 Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh. Now, the roughly 600,000 Rohingya remaining in Myanmar face the ongoing risk of genocide, while other ethnic … Read more

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