In 2023, no company or country should profit from #ForcedLaborFashion

What is happening to the Uyghurs in China rivals any horror movie or Stephen King novel. From using them like slaves to harvest corn, tomatoes, and other crops and manufacture too many products to list here, to harvesting their organs, and killing them, the only word to describe what is happening is genocide. We need to let Urban Outfitters know they MUST end their complicity in these crimes against humanity.
On Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, at 10:30 am, we’re using this opportunity to call them out. Will you join us?
Urban Outfitters is holding its annual shareholder meeting on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 10:30 AM virtually via live audio webcast, so we are hoping folks can share some of the below content on Tuesday. Can you help?
Images for social media posts: We have put together a page of graphics you can use in your posts. You can find them here.
- Suggested caption for images 1-4:
@urbanoutfitters is at HIGH RISK of profiting from #Uyghurforcedlabour. Join over 10K people demanding it CUT all ties to the Uyghur Region!
- Suggested caption for image 5:
@urbanoutfitters states it has ZERO tolerance for forced labor, but has FAILED to make a real commitment to #EndUyghurForcedLabour across its entire supply chain. What’s stopping URBN from committing to a single global standard, which applies the requirements of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, to its ENTIRE supply chain?
It’s PAST time for URBN to fully exit the Uyghur Region – demand answers now!
- Suggested caption for image 6:
Do you shop @urbanoutfitters? If so, then you may be wearing clothes made with #forcedlabourfashion.
URBN is among over a hundred brands linked to #Uyghurforcedlabour. Download HRF’s plugin to find out if your favorite fashion brands are linked to forced labour.
Leave a comment on URBN’s profile calling on Urban Outfitters to #EndUyghurForcedLabour!
- Instagram: @urbanoutfitters @anthropologie, @freepeople, @fpmovement @BHLDN @nuuly
- Twitter: @urbanoutfitters @anthropologie, @freepeople @BHLDN @shopnuuly @UOHelpMe
- #urbanoutfitters #callouturbanoutfitters #enduyghurforcedlabour #forcedlabourfashion #UOhelpme
- #wearyourvalues #whomademyclothes #whatsinmyclothes #fastfashion #humanrights #workerrights #uyghur
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You can reach them either way here: 800-282-2200. For more information about contact them and to chat, go here.